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practical advice

6 ways to drive traffic to your website for free

6 ways to drive traffic to your website for free

I'm a regular visitor to many online forums and there is one question that people who have just built their website always ask. 'I finished building my website last week, but I have no sales, yet? Why is that?' This really breaks my business coach's heart. When people...

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6 Common Website Mistakes

6 Common Website Mistakes

This could be easily 10 pages long list (well if this blog was a text document...), but I want to focus on just a few website mistakes that I've recently picked up whilst reviewing my customer's websites. Assuming that you have a fairly decent website already - no...

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From zero website knowledge to accidental seo expert

From zero website knowledge to accidental seo expert

When I was working in my previous job I have to admit I didn't always relish the morning ritual of opening e-mails, sorting out the problems and having a really bad butterflies in your stomach when certain people's names popped in my inbox. Saying that, these days I...

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How to know when to redesign your website

How to know when to redesign your website

Everyone knows first impressions count. When it comes to websites this is even more important. It takes only a few seconds for your visitor to form an opinion and if they don't like what they see, they leave, possibly never to return. That's why it's important to keep...

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How often should I update my website?

How often should I update my website?

Since you've Now you are probably thinking that's a little over the top, but I would like you to get used to the idea that your website should be at the centre of your business, not a just a side shoot. I've seen so many websites where...

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Are you cut out for self employment?

Are you cut out for self employment?

Strangely enough I've never asked myself this question when I started my self-employment journey. I just knew, I wanted to 'have a go' and see what happens. But recently I've been talking to couple of my self-employed friends and we agreed that now that we've been...

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I'm Magdalena and I’m here to help you with your business.
Make a cuppa, take a seat and enjoy reading my blog.


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