When I started my coaching business few years back, like so many new entrepreneurs I threw myself into work.

My personality trait of being both a workaholic and a perfectionist meant that I worked long hours, didn’t really look after myself and didn’t take enough exercise.

The result?

After couple of years, my business was thriving, but it was on a back of my health, which had suffered. I put on weight, didn’t have much energy and my cholesterol levels were quite high.


To top this off, I had a car accident, which left me with very severe lower back pain. Being in pain doesn’t help when you are running your own business. It made me grumpy, tired and depressed at times.


Looking back at all this now,

it’s no wonder that my business started to suffer as a result. But at the time, I thought I was not doing enough, that my marketing was not slick enough and that I should just work harder. Eventually, I got to the point when I felt that I’d done all that I could and I needed help from somebody else who could look at my business with a fresh pair of eyes and help me to identify what to do next. I connected with a business coach who I used to work with in my previous job. She immediately remarked: ‘You look stressed more than when you were a director and managed a six million pounds turnover business, what have you done to yourself!’

I suppose I needed to hear it from somebody else, before taking notice.

And I realised that I didn’t need to sort out my business, I needed  to sort out myself!

After that I contacted a nutritionist, who’s blog I’d been reading for a while all the time enjoying her no-nonsense approach.

Don’t get me wrong, I knew that doughnuts are not as good for your health as carrots and that you should drink plenty of water.

Over the years, I’ve narrowed down most diets into a sensible low GI diet, which when I actually stick to it, helps me to lose weight and keep my energy levels up. So it’s not like I was snacking on hamburgers or eating chocolate for breakfast. But my diet was very one-sided. I would eat porridge for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Sometimes, I would work and forget to eat completely. Keen to finish a project, I would not allow myself even a piece of bread or go out. I don’t mean ‘go out’ for a night out with my friends, I mean just not leave the house. Not good I know…

Working with an experienced nutritionist, helped me realise that sustainable long term growth comes from having the right ingredients in your body as well as in your business.

I know that it’s difficult to change your diet completely,

but a few subtle changes here and there can make all the difference. And you won’t feel like you are actually dieting at all, which (hopefully) will help you to stick with it for longer.

Here are five things you can do right now, which will positively impact on you, your brain and your productivity.

[1] Drink more water. I mean insanely more water, at least 2 ltrs on top of any other drinks you have. Your body is like a cucumber – 80% water and if it’s not properly hydrated, it can’t function. And the first organ that finds it difficult to function is your brain. So, drink up!

[2] Try to ease off sugar. I know this one is a hard one, but just swapping a high calorie milk chocolate bar for some good quality dark chocolate will make a difference in the long run.

[3] Have a 10 minute break every hour or so to stretch your legs and walk about a bit, especially if you are working in the office or on your laptop.

[4] Make sure you have breakfast and try to have a different type of breakfast every day. Oatmeal, fresh fruit, yoghurt are a good option.

[5] Snack during the day! Definitely not on cake, but I keep a bowl of almonds on my desk and it helps to get the energy back, especially during the afternoon dip. I also find that low GI foods work really well, such as olives, tomatoes, plums, pears or similar.

I’m sure there are lots of other ways of keeping healthy when working, so I’d love to hear what’s your favourite tip! So, leave me a comment and let me know what what works for you.